BIOVERSAL convinced Italian Authority !


Italian Military Navy fights against war oil disaster in Lebanon:

Peace mission started and Italy, besides leading the mission, is taking care of the environmental emergency due to the black tide that has flowed in the Mediterranean sea.
In order to fight this environmental catastrophe the Environmental Ministry, with the aid of Military Navy, has ordered BIOVERSAL HC.

BIOVERSAL HC is a de-polluting liquid to use in the sea for the reclamation from the hydrocarbons contamination. The use of this product has been authorized by Environmental Ministry with the D.D. 02/08/06 after having passed all biological, chemical, biocompatibility and bioaccumulation test and after having obtained the favourable opinion by ICRAM and Health Ministry.

BIOVERSAL HC, constituted by vegetable highly degradable compounds that activate enzymes that first encapsulate and then destroy the polluting substances with which they come in contact. Bioversal HC is commercialised by BioThermit s.r.l. company, that has the sole selling right in Italy of BIOVERSAL products.

In a 24 hours, BioThermit s.r.l. has ready procured and sent the product to Military Naval Base of Messina. Bioversal HC will be installed in the PELUSO ship in a 2m3 thank and, through a system of pumping and mixing with sea water, it will be sprinkled on the surface to reclaim.

BIOVERSAL HC is completely miscible in water. It will be diluted with a percentage that goes from 1% to 3% to ambient temperature; such liquid is an effective de-polluting agent which acts accelerating the spontaneous degradation of hydrocarbons products in case of their accidental spilling on superficial craft, soils, waters and it is a biocompatible and biodegradable (100%) surfactant. This is certainly a peace participation because it considers the factors that safeguard environment and it has been carried out with extreme timeliness by the Italian company that commercialise the product in full respect of the Italian and European laws and recommendations.

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Ministry of Environment:
Italian Military Navy:
Health Ministry:
Military ship PELUSO:
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