BIOVERSAL and its Distributor j&w in SOUTH AFRICA

Fire Extinguishing Trials in a Natural Park

In case of bush or wild land fires the existing excrements of rhinoceros, elephants, buffalos, etc. cannot be simply extinguished with water and are a difficult task for the farmers and the rangers of national parks.
These excrements often burn intensively for hours and are highly re-flammable. Strong winds favor unpredictable new fire spot migrations, which are impossible to control considering the huge areas that must be covered by professional Fire brigades. BIOVERSAL QF has been successfully tested in South Africa.

BIOVERSAL QF showed impressive fire extinguishing performance and wetting agent and encapsulating capacities. BIOVERSAL QF is a biological aqueous fire extinguishing agent harmless and safe for user, environment and professional equipment. BIOVERSAL´s Advanced Biotechnology Products and Applications present today true eco-compatible solutions for a sustainable development.

Demonstration video

Fire Extinguishing Trials in O&G industry

The professional fire brigade of one of the most important O&G industry and petrol refinery in South Africa tested successfully our BIOVERSAL´s high performance extinguishing foam technology with satisfactory results. Bioversal QF fire extinguishing agent contains only ingredients of biological origin.

This worldwide unique poly functional aqueous extinguishing agent once successfully applied to extinguish liquid fuel fires offers a complete cleaning solution after mission. Bioversal QF encapsulates immediately hydro carbon residuals which are prepared for an accelerated biodegradation within industry´s integrated water treatment plant. BIOVERSAL´s Advanced Biotechnology Products and Applications make Nature your Ally.

Cleaning Trials in Gas Stations

Bioversal and j&w presented their high performance Cleaning products during trials in gas stations in South Africa. Our worldwide unique Cleaning technology was tested with astonishing results during Cleaning of infiltrated fuel residuals on gas station surfaces and pavement. Due to its special product characteristics Bioversal are safe for personnel, environment and infrastructures.

With temporary corrosion inhibiting capacities our products guarantee excellent cleaning results of vehicles, infrastructure, pavement and gas station surfaces. BIOVERSAL decreases substantially the toxicity of the waste water during the purification process. Once applied, our Cleaning agents efficiently degrease, de-oil and clean any material, metallic surfaces as well as concrete structures. Immediate Encapsulation of fuel residuals and the BioActivator, essential component of our product philosophy, transform fuel residuals in prepared particles ready for an accelerated natural biodegradation process.

Infiltrated Water-Bioversal-Fuel liquids in gas station soil favor and stimulate an immediate and accelerated bioremediation process.
