The first Adriatic Oil Spill Conference in Opatija

The idea to organize a regional gathering dedicated exclusively to various aspects of accidental oil spills, including prevention, preparedness for and response to such marine pollution incidents, was born in discussions among a group of experts involved in marine environment protection in the Republic of Croatia. An additional incentive was certainly the initiative taken by competent national administrations of six Adriatic coastal States, namely Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Italy, Montenegro and Slovenia, to declare the Adriatic Sea a particularly sensitive sea area (PSSA).

Protection of the Adriatic Sea against oil pollution incidents, especially major ones, and the capability to efficiently respond to these, is particularly important for all coastal countries which consider the health of the marine environment, including the coast with all its natural and economic resources, as an element of paramount importance for their sustainable development.

Further contacts with colleagues from the region as well as with the relevant international organizations confirmed the interest of institutions, companies and experts from the Adriatic region, the Mediterranean, the European Union and those operating at the global level, in convening an international meeting aimed at exchange of experience and acquiring new knowledge specifically adapted to the needs of and conditions in the Adriatic.

During the first Adriatic Oil Spill Conference in Opatija , Croatia , Univ. Prof. Dr. Dallinger presented a new perspective of an Eco-toxicological Evaluation of new Bioremediation Options for Oil Spills in Seawater with Reference to the Italian Legislation (LINK TO FILE)

This new approach focuses on naturally occurring biodegradation mechanisms and its self-cleaning potential in marine environments. During this conference he presented characteristics and fundamental requirements of bioremediative options to enhance biodegradation performance. Today only the Italian Legislation foresees this new class of products.
