Azerbaijan 3rd Int. Forum on Investment Opportunities

Bioversal’s Advanced Biotechnology & Applications guest at East Azerbaijan 3rd International Forum on Investment Opportunities

Bioversal International GmbH and its Exclusive Authorized Distributer Company Fanavaran Tejarat Sanat ATA were invited to participate at the East Azerbaijan 3rd International Forum on Investment Opportunities.

During this internationally visited event Bioversal in cooperation with ATA Company presented successfully the benefits of Bioversal’s products and solutions to key decision makers of governmental institutions and agencies as well as to industrial professionals.

Fire safety and environmental protection is an issue of international concern which requires intelligent and innovative solutions to face challenging tasks of manmade pollution. We are all obliged to assure the well being of the Next Generation’s Natural and Environmental Heritage. For that reason Proactive Protection of Clean Water and sustainable Soil Resources must be a top priority all around the world. BVI was positively impressed about the competence and large interest of Iranian Key Decision Makers and Professionals dealing with these problematic.

Bioversal thanks in this context the organizers of this forum, we felt honored to participate in this event and hope that Bioversal’s Environmental Products and Applications can deliver a key technology helping to face the environmental challenges in this region.

Bioversal International GmbH assures exclusively the world wide distribution and sales of Bioversal products and application. If You are interested to know more about Us and Our Products and Applications please contact Mr. Ioannis Athanasiou,, mob.: +43 / 69917142099

For the countries IRAN, AZERBAIJAN, IRAQ, ARMENIA, GEORGIA, TAJIKISTAN and UZBEKISTAN please contact directly Our Exclusive Authorized Distributer ATA Fanavaran Tejarat Sanat , Mr. Hassan Rouhani,, phone+98 21 88065853-5
