Oil film covered the Danube river (Austria/Vienna)
Multi-Purpose Boat
Fire fighters treated the oil film with BIOVERSAL using a multi-purpose boat along the riverbank. This product is ecologically harmless and accelerates the natural dismantling of the oil. |
Oil leaked into the Danube during the refuelling of a cruis ship. There was an oil film that stretched from the landing stage of the ship close to the “Reichsbrücke” (bridge to the Vienna International City) till the way to the fire brigade base at “Leopoldstadt”. The oil film extended continuously.
Fire fighters treated the oil film with BIOVERSAL using a multi-purpose boat along the riverbank. This product is ecologically harmless and accelerates the natural dismantling of the oil.
Because of the high water level and the associated flow rate it was not possible for the fire brigade to run out the oil barrier.
At the beginning of the two harbour basin only were deployed. The fire brigade assigned 16 men for 3 hours approximately to deal with that potential disaster. The pollution was minimized by steps taken in the pictures.