Italian Ministry of Environment re-confirms Bioversal HC
BIOVERSAL HC has been prescribed by decree by the Italian Ministry of Health and Environment as oil spill response Agent recognizing bioremediation effectiveness for use in the Adriatic, and the Mediterranean Sea protecting environment as part of the National Contingency Plan. The decree has been prolonged for further three years.
In contrast to synthetic dispersants, Bioversal HC differs substantially in application, field of application, functional mechanisms and environmental impact.
Its special formulation and ingredients guarantee bio-compatible interactions between naturally occurring biodegradation processes and oil pollution.
The low eco-toxicological profile of Bioversal HC (NOEC= Not observed Effective Concentration = 40mg/l) in combination with Bioversal’s HC BioActivator stimulate bioremediation effectiveness of self cleaning processes in the Ecosystem.
With Spain and Croatia having also listed Bioversal HC, the Mediterranean Sea is largely protected today by Bioversal’s Advanced Biotechnology Products and Applications.