Newsletter - Oktober - 2002

From A(FFF) to B(iological) foams

Reference editorial : Asian Pacific, issue 3
Development of environmental friendly alternative foams for the AFFF has become more urgent due to pressure of governmental regulations and public opinion. Recent withdrawal of major player 3M on the market, based on the presence of conventional substances in their product, has accelerated the introduction of alternatives.

What are the demands for an eco-friendly foam:

1 It must fulfill its primarily task, extinguish a class A
1 and class B fire.
2 Foam blanket need to be stable over a liquid
2 surface for at least 10 -20 minutes.
3 Economical and acceptable price.
4 May not contain and leave no toxic residues behind 4 after use.

Do these miracle foams exist? Yes they do.

Bioversal International in the Netherlands has developed a whole new range of Eco-friendly -foams. Quality in combination with the awarded eco-friendly solutions boosted the rapid growth of this product-line. In less than 5 years they are operating in 19 countries. Under their clientele you find big European players like Ajax Fire Protection (member of Kidde plc), Gloria Werke, Bavaria, etc.

What makes Bioversal QF product range so special?

Bioversal QF related products have outstanding extinguishing qualities and achieved all necessary approvals like EN3, ICAO level B, UL162 etc.

Besides the primarily task "extinguishing" the Bioversal products differ from authentic products based on their environmental qualities. The products are highly biodegradable >98% in 12-14 days (according OECD 301c). Non of the products contain the dangerous perfluorooactanyl sulfonate. All products are non-toxic, have a water hazard classification 1 which means no effect on bacteria, organism, mammals, are dermatological tested etc. Furthermore Bioversal foam combats mineral oils, reduces skid risk caused by oil slick and biodegraded the encapsulated pollution as well. Therefore safe for user and environment.

Awarded with three environmental labels (Dutch Milieukeur) proves that eco-friendly alternatives are available know.

Join us be eco active!

Best regards,
Bioversal International BV

The Bioversal Team

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